Log File Modifications

Is it possible (via scripts vs code modifications) to rename existing columns in a log file? The logging documentation has examples for filtering out specific events, or adding additional columns, but I couldn't find a reference for renaming.


You can do something like this:

redef Log::default_field_name_map = {
     ["id.orig_h"] = "src",
     ["id.orig_p"] = "src_port",
     ["id.resp_h"] = "dst",
     ["id.resp_p"] = "dst_port",

Thanks for the pointer Daniel! I was able to find the documentation here: https://www.bro.org/sphinx-git/scripts/base/frameworks/logging/main.bro.html#id-Log::default_field_name_map

I also have this working at the filter level now as well and helps me reduce overhead on the Splunk side.
