Move 3rdparty into a separate submodule


I just wanted to ask what you think about moving the 3rdparty stuff under src (which at
the moment only contains sqlite) into a separate git submodule?

That way we keep the 3rdparty sources and their change history out of Bro history. SQLite
alone already has more than 140k lines - and I kind of suspect that we might other 3rdparty
sources in the future.

The disadvantage of this approach is, that the bro git repository does no longer contain
all source-files necessary to compile bro. On the other hand - stuff like cmake already is
in submodules - so even though the bro git contains all source files at the moment, you
still cannot compile it without checking out the submodules.


Just wanted to check if really none has an opinion on this besides me :slight_smile:


I think it's a good idea.


Me too.

If someone can create a new git-repo for it, I can move it thereā€¦

or I can file a bug-report :slight_smile:


bro-3rdparty exists now. You have admin privs, I suggest you prepare
that one directly in its master branch, and then do a topic branch in
bro that pulls that in.
