RE: Problem compiling bro 0.4 on RedHat Linux 5.2

Hi y'all,

Mike, I think the easiest thing to do is to download version 0.5 including a
(nice) port to Linux.

I've installed bro (version 0.5a) on linux and on solaris machines
Here follows some feedback about problems I've encountered.

1) the files doc/* are not installed in /usr/local/directory when using
"make install"

2) directory /usr/local/bro should first be created before using "make
install" (otherwise he copy all files to the file /usr/local/bro)

3) on Solaris 2.5.1, yacc doesn't want to compile parse.y
A workaround was to install bison.

yacc -dtv parse.y
"parse.y", line 396: fatal: illegal rule: missing semicolon or | ?
*** Error code 1

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Patrick Verstraete NCR Belgium
Tel: +32 2 761 14 09 Avenue M. Thiry, 79
Fax: +32 2 761 14 22 B-1200 Brussels
Email: Belgium
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