I'm currently using the Seiso/Kafka plugin to stream each unique Zeek log type to a different topic in Kafka and it works great https://github.com/SeisoLLC/zeek-kafka#example-4---send-each-zeek-log-to-a-unique-topic. I've been using SSL configurations to specify the directory path + filename for my .crt, .key and .pem files so in the $config variable, my table looks like this:
$config = table(
["metadata.broker.ist"] = "broker1:9092",
["ssl.ca.location"] = "/path/to/ca/file.pem",
["ssl.certificate.location"] = "/path/to/certificate/file.crt",
["ssl.key.location"] = "/path/to/key/file.key",
["security.protocol"] = "ssl"
Instead of manually entering the "/path/to/certificate/file.crt" along with ca and key, I'd like to use either a bif (but I can't find one specifically for this use case) or create a function to parse the file names. I only need to be able to grab the file names, not the full directory path.
Here's what I have so far:
@load base/utils/exec
redef exit_only_after_terminate=T;
global command: string = "ls -A";
function get_certificate(): string
local cmd = Exec::Command($cmd=command);
when (local res = Exec::run(cmd))
local results = res$stdout;
for ( i in results )
if ( ends_with(results[i], ".crt") )
local match = match_pattern(results[i], /^([^.]+)\.crt/);
return match$str;
event zeek_init()
local certificate: string = get_certificate();
print $certificate;
I'm attempting to assign the return of the function (match$str) because that gives me the file name I'm looking for. Once I have the string in a variable, I think I should be able to insert that into the Kafka $config table for ssl.certificate.location. This script currently fails though with this error.
warning: non-void function returning without a value: get_certificate
expression error in ./get_certs.zeek, line 28: value used but not set (certificate)
fatal error: errors occurred while initializing
If I change return match$str to print match$str, then just simply call get_certificate() in the zeek_init(), it successfully prints the file name I want. How can I get this function to return match$str so I can save it into a variable for later use?