Start Zeek with systemd

I have set up a .service file to start zeek automatically at boot time. Everything works, but all of the nodes crash after starting. Also, when I run sudo systemctl enable zeek , I get the following:

Failed t look up unit file state: Invalid argument

When I run sudo systemctl status zeek I get

Active: inactive (dead)

When I run zeekctl status I see that all the nodes are “crashed”.
Any thoughts how to automatically start zeek or fix this issue would be appreciated.

Hello @helotbc - welcome.

Failed t look up unit file state: Invalid argument

That looks to be a systemd more than a Zeek issue. Does the following apply? Are you using a symlink for your unit file?

Any thoughts how to automatically start zeek or fix this issue would be appreciated.

Does zeekctl diag provide you with more (helpful) information to see why the nodes crashed?
