2.5 Roadmap

To summarize a team discussion today, we decided that we'll start
wrapping up development for Bro 2.5.

There's a lot of new functionality in git master now, and it will be
good to get that all into general use. The main piece missing from our
original 2.5 roadmap is porting the Bro Cluster to Broker. While much
of that work is in place already in a development branch, we are going
to postpone integration for now and will instead merge it at the
beginning of the upcoming 2.6 development cycle. That way we will have
more time for testing stability and performance of that new cluster

For 2.5, we're still targetting a few more pieces that aren't yet in
master, including:

     - Fixing the flare code to improve performance.
     - New SMB and NTP analyzers.
     - A simpler Broker API.

Furthermore, if there are any tickets pending that you'd like Bro 2.5
to address, now would be a good time to point them out.


Furthermore, if there are any tickets pending that you'd like Bro 2.5
to address, now would be a good time to point them out.

Coordinated with Seth I have done some refactoring of the
(GitHub - J-Gras/zeek at topic/jgras/intel-update). There are
only two changes left to do:
- adding Seth's extension mechanism
- adding expiration for items
I would be happy to finish that and open a pull request if you consider
this as relevant for 2.5. In case, what would be the deadline for the PR?

Best regards,

We don't have a concrete deadline yet, it'll most likely take a few
more weeks until we call a feature freeze. I'll let Seth comment on
content but generally merging your changes in for 2.5 certainly sounds
good to me.


Agreed, looking forward to the changes Jan!


Updates from today's meeting regarding 2.5 progress:

    - Seth will send summary of the "flare situation" to bro-dev.

    - NTP analyzer is in progress.

    - SMB analyzer almost ready for merge. We'll not load it by
      default. We will put it into policy instead and leave it
      commented out in local.bro, marked as experimental.

    - Intel updates are in the queue.

    - New Broker API is in progress.

Also, everybody, please look at tickets:

    - Check any 2.5 tickets assigned to you; if you don't think you'll
      make it, bump to 2.6.

    - Assign further tickets to 2.5 that should go in but aren't
      marked so yet.
