broctl and filtering

Hey all…trying to pass this:

broargs = --filter not ip6

a few different ways, but I'm not having much luck:

broargs = --filter not ip6
broargs = --filter 'not ip6'
broargs = --filter "not ip6"

==== stderr.log
error: can't open ip6


==== stderr.log
/usr/local/bro/share/broctl/scripts/ line 67: ip6: command not found
error: can't open ip6

==== .cmdline
-i eth1 -U .status -p broctl -p broctl-live -p standalone -p local -p bro local.bro broctl broctl/standalone broctl/auto --filter not ip6

Any hints on how to pass the filter the right way? Thanks all.


You need to quote the value of the --filter option like this:

broargs = --filter 'not ip6'

There was a bug that was preventing this from working.
If you look in <prefix>/share/broctl/scripts (<prefix>
is your Bro install prefix), you can patch the following

--- check-config.orig
+++ check-config
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export PATH=${bindir}:${scriptsdir}:$PATH
  echo $@ >.cmdline
  touch .checking

-${bro} $@
+${bro} "$@"

  if [ "$rc" == "0" ] && [ "$print_scripts" == "1" ]; then
--- helpers/start.orig
+++ helpers/start
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ shift

  rm -f .pid

-nohup ${scriptsdir}/run-bro $@ >stdout.log 2>stderr.log &
+nohup ${scriptsdir}/run-bro "$@" >stdout.log 2>stderr.log &

  while [ ! -s .pid ]; do
     sleep 1
--- run-bro.orig
+++ run-bro
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ if [ -n "${pin_command}" -a $pin_cpu -ge 0 ]; then

- nohup ${pin_command} $pin_cpu $mybro $@ &
+ nohup ${pin_command} $pin_cpu $mybro "$@" &
- nohup $mybro $@ &
+ nohup $mybro "$@" &

--- run-bro-on-trace.orig
+++ run-bro-on-trace
@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ cd $cwd
  echo $@ >.cmdline
  touch .testing

-${bro} -r $trace $@
+${bro} -r $trace "$@"

Wow thanks a TON Daniel....patched up and good to go :slight_smile:


in your local.bro, something like this:

    redef PacketFilter::all_packets = F; # don't capture all packets
    redef capture_filters = [[ "all"] = "not ip6"];

Thanks Justin...I had not thought of that.
