new Bro releases

New CURRENT (0.9a2) and STABLE (0.8a86) releases are now available from:

The CURRENT release has a large number of changes, per the appended.
The STABLE release fixes the following bugs:

- A bug has been fixed in which contents files might not be correctly
  written upon termination of Bro (Ruoming Pang).

- A bug has been fixed in which UDP connections didn't generate
  new_connection events (Ruoming Pang).

- Support for the Linux "cooked capture" link layer (Ruoming Pang).

- A serious low-level Dictionary bug has been fixed (Christian Kreibich).

- A bug that could cause Bro to crash if it receives an event from another
  Bro that it isn't able to process has been fixed (Christian Kreibich).

- A bug in set file descriptors non-blocking has been fixed
  (Christian Kreibich).

- A bug that could cause some error messages to generate crashes has
  been fixed.

per the appended diffs.
