Zeek LT election 2024

Hi Everyone,

We are going to start the fourth Zeek LT election process on the 14th of August. During this election, four of the LT seats are up for re-election.

The Zeek LT is the governing body of the Zeek project. The work of the Zeek LT mostly revolves around topics such as event planning, outreach activities, or project finances; it is not technical in nature.

All active members of the community are eligible to self-nominate for a seat on the LT. Please note that you do not have to be a contributor to the Zeek codebase or have deep technical knowledge of the project to be on the Zeek LT – it is enough if you are active/known in the community in some ways. You could for example be active on our forums or on Slack, be someone who is testing Zeek releases and giving feedback, or someone who is active in the community by regularly giving talks on Zeek, etc.

If this describes you – please consider nominating yourself for a position on the LT – having a lot of active and engaged people on the LT is important for the future of the project.

The seats up for re-election are currently held by Johanna Amann and Robin Sommer. The remaining seats are currently held by Aashish Sharma, Fatema Bannat Wala, Keith Lehigh, and Seth Grover. The first three of these will be up for re-election in August 2025. The last seat, currently held by Seth Grover, was a backfill that only was filled last election. It is thus up for re-election in August 2026 together with the two seats that are voted on this election, to bring us back to a cadence of three seats in each election.

The role-based seats are not part of the election process. These are held by Vern Paxson (Founder’s seat), and Christian Kreibich (Technical Lead seat).

Furthermore, there is a non-voting Community Lead seat, which is currently help by Kelley Misata.

The following shows the timetable for the 2024 elections:

  • 14 August - Nomination Process begins
  • 28 August - Nomination Process ends
  • 29 August - Review Process begins
  • 2 September - Review Process ends
  • 3 September - Testimonial Phase begins
  • 14 September - Testimonial Phase ends
  • 18 September - Voting Process begins
  • 27 September - Voting Process ends
  • 4 October - Candidates are notified
  • 9 October - Change in Leadership starts and Community notified
  • 18 October - Change in Leadership ends, new members in place

Description of the process phases

  • Nomination Phase During this phase you can nominate yourself or someone you know for a seat on the LT by using a webform (URL will be announced at the beginning of the phase)
  • Review Phase During this Phase the LT will ensure all nominees are eligible to run and they understand the roles and responsibilities and are willing to run.
  • Testimonial Phase During this phase the nominees list will be made public and members of the community will be encouraged to add a testimonial.
  • Voting Phase During this phase members of the current Zeek LT will vote on the candidates.
  • Notification Candidates will be notified via email then the following day the community will be notified.
  • Change in Leadership A two week period to allow for transfer of knowledge, go over procedures and more. During the 2-week transition period the new LT members will vote on a Chairperson.

For more information, please the the Zeek Project Leadership Team Process and Description on our wiki.

I will update this thread when the respective phases begin.

If you have any questions, please comment in this thread or contact the LT (at lt@zeek.org) or me directly.

Johanna (for the Zeek LT)

Hi Everyone,

the nomination stage is now open - and will close at the 28th of August EOD. Please submit nominations for a seat on the LT at https://forms.gle/NJbCSLYTX95cj8z87 .

Note that you can either self-nominate, or nominate someone else.

As always - let me know if you encounter any issues or have any questions.


Hi Everyone,

the testimonial stage is now open, and will close on the 14th of September, EOD.

We have three candidates for the two open seats.

The candidates are:
Aaron J. Scantlin
Johanna Amann
Robin Sommer

Please submit testimonials at https://forms.gle/nbAufoEy81aRpeJr5

As always - let me know if you encounter any issues or have any questions.
